Tuesday, February 2, 2010

28 Giraffes

It's day 2 of my pledge to send a giraffe a day to www.onemilliongiraffes.com and I did a quick sketch of a giraffe font to send. We haven't been able to get our of our neighborhood since Friday because of all the snow and ice that we got, but we braved the slushy streets today to go over to the Safari house to set up scaffolding. We're trying to finish the tree root sculpture on the ceiling in the kitchen. When we're done, it will look as if the can lights are surrounded by knotholes, roots, vines and stones..... at least we hope that's what it will look like!


  1. hey-we sent in the tiles.
    Let me know when you get a link to yours.
    Love your daily giraffes.
    You are having fun!

  2. Hey,
    Your tiles were on the first page of the site! You can search for my pics by putting my name in the search function on Ola's site.

  3. I just found your pictures and mine!
    They look great!
